You will be interacting extensively with your classmates and peers. To maintain a respectful learning environment, see below.
Be respectful of your fellow students and the instructor.
Engage actively; encourage your fellow learners, including your instructors, to explore intellectually.
Please be professional and courteous in your words and manners.
Online classroom etiquette
Be good classroom "citizens" by exhibiting professional behavior towards classmates and instructors at all times.
Be respectful; disagreement is fine, but try to disagree without being disagreeable.
Post messages to the appropriate audience; please don't put administrative questions or concerns or feedback about the course in your discussion board topics.
Make your replies substantial and significant. Simply saying, "I agree" or "I disagree" will not suffice. Try questioning, adding your opinion, or referring to resources.
Add something original and thoughtful of your own, in addition to any resources that you might reference.
Disruptive behavior
Instructors have the authority and discretion to set rules that foster student learning. As a matter of academic freedom, these rules can be tailored to the subject matter and the instructor’s teaching methods and learning objectives. For these reasons, the course instructor is the one who makes a determination about what constitutes disruptive behavior.
W0 Introduction to Ancient Egypt W0 Learner and instructor responsibilities